ELF Curriculum in Ecuador: The Achievement of Communicative Competences in Learners Graduated from Ecuadorian Public Schools in Milagro
This research aims to test baccalaureate students’ oral communication production from public high schools in the 2023 - 2024 academic year in Milagro city. A non-experimental research design was applied in this study to determine the achievement of communication competences based on the second thread from the Ecuadorian EFL curriculum. A questionnaire was elaborated to score listening comprehension skills, and a checklist was used to evaluate oral production skills. Both data collection instruments were applied and graded over 100 with the participation of 300 baccalaureate students from fourteen public high schools, which means that this evaluation procedure allows us to have a quantitative result based on the evaluation criteria and indicators from the National English Curriculum Guidelines. The results were processed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) program to determine the media and a general average for our analysis and conclude if baccalaureate students achieved a pre-intermediate-level proficiency (B1) in their oral communication production. For this reason, this study wants to measure oral communication production and prove if the English learning process has been achieved successfully according to the curricular objective of English as a Foreign Language in Ecuador.
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Derechos de autor 2024 Ninfa Sofia Guevara Peñaranda, Jorge Francisco Zambrano Pachay, Paolo Geovanny Fabre Mérchan
Esta obra está bajo licencia internacional Creative Commons Reconocimiento 4.0.