Infarto renal, un sitio atípico de embolismo como debut de fibrilación auricular. Reporte de caso y revisión de la literatura

Palabras clave: embolismo renal, trombosis, fibrilación auricular


La fibrilación auricular (FA) es la arritmia sostenida más común y su incidencia y prevalencia está aumentando en todo el mundo. La FA cumple los criterios de la tríada de Wirchow, que son necesarios para la formación de trombos: estasis sanguínea, disfunción endotelial y activación de la coagulación. Los acontecimientos clínicos relacionados con la trombosis se han atribuido esencialmente a la formación de trombos en la aurícula izquierda con el consiguiente embolismo a circulación cerebral y periférica. Presentamos un caso en un paciente con factores de riesgo cardiovascular por edad, sexo y comorbilidades, FA previamente subclínica,  quien debuta con tromboembolismo de arteria renal derecha, ocasionando un infarto renal agudo, un sitio poco común dentro de los sitios de embolismo asociados a FA, con cuadro clínico poco específico, sesgado por lesión hepática benigna, el cual se documentó por angiotomografía, se inició terapia anticoagulante sistémica y antiplaquetaria local, con buenos desenlaces clínicos.


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Hindricks, G., Potpara, T., Dagres, N., Arbelo, E., Bax, J. J., Blomström-Lundqvist, C., Boriani, G., Castella, M., Dan, G.-A., Dilaveris, P. E., Fauchier, L., Filippatos, G., Kalman, J. M., La Meir, M., Lane, D. A., Lebeau, J.-P., Lettino, M., Lip, G. Y., Pinto, F. J., … Zakirov, N. U. (2020). 2020 ESC guidelines for the diagnosis and management of atrial fibrillation developed in collaboration with the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (eacts). European Heart Journal, 42(5), 373–498.

Joglar, J. A., Chung, M. K., Armbruster, A. L., Benjamin, E. J., Chyou, J. Y., Cronin, E. M., Deswal, A., Eckhardt, L. L., Goldberger, Z. D., Gopinathannair, R., Gorenek, B., Hess, P. L., Hlatky, M., Hogan, G., Ibeh, C., Indik, J. H., Kido, K., Kusumoto, F., Link, M. S., … Van Wagoner, D. R. (2024). 2023 ACC/AHA/ACCP/hrs guideline for the diagnosis and management of Atrial Fibrillation: A report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Joint Committee on Clinical Practice Guidelines. Circulation, 149(1).

Weng, L.-C., Preis, S. R., Hulme, O. L., Larson, M. G., Choi, S. H., Wang, B., Trinquart, L., McManus, D. D., Staerk, L., Lin, H., Lunetta, K. L., Ellinor, P. T., Benjamin, E. J., & Lubitz, S. A. (2018). Genetic predisposition, clinical risk factor burden, and lifetime risk of atrial fibrillation. Circulation, 137(10), 1027–1038.

Staerk, L., Wang, B., Preis, S. R., Larson, M. G., Lubitz, S. A., Ellinor, P. T., McManus, D. D., Ko, D., Weng, L.-C., Lunetta, K. L., Frost, L., Benjamin, E. J., & Trinquart, L. (2018). Lifetime risk of atrial fibrillation according to optimal, borderline, or elevated levels of risk factors: Cohort study based on longitudinal data from the Framingham Heart Study. BMJ.

Rattanawong, P., Upala, S., Riangwiwat, T., Jaruvongvanich, V., Sanguankeo, A., Vutthikraivit, W., & Chung, E. H. (2018). Atrial fibrillation is associated with Sudden cardiac death: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology, 51(2), 91–104.

Emdin, C. A., Wong, C. X., Hsiao, A. J., Altman, D. G., Peters, S. A., Woodward, M., & Odutayo, A. A. (2016). Atrial fibrillation as risk factor for cardiovascular disease and death in women compared with men: Systematic review and meta-analysis of Cohort studies. BMJ.

Odutayo, A., Wong, C. X., Hsiao, A. J., Hopewell, S., Altman, D. G., & Emdin, C. A. (2016). Atrial fibrillation and risks of cardiovascular disease, renal disease, and Death: Systematic Review and meta-analysis. BMJ, i4482.

Brambatti, M., Connolly, S. J., Gold, M. R., Morillo, C. A., Capucci, A., Muto, C., Lau, C. P., Van Gelder, I. C., Hohnloser, S. H., Carlson, M., Fain, E., Nakamya, J., Mairesse, G. H., Halytska, M., Deng, W. Q., Israel, C. W., & Healey, J. S. (2014). Temporal relationship between subclinical atrial fibrillation and embolic events. Circulation, 129(21), 2094–2099.

Lin, A. L., Nah, G., Tang, J. J., Vittinghoff, E., Dewland, T. A., & Marcus, G. M. (2022). Cannabis, cocaine, methamphetamine, and opiates increase the risk of incident atrial fibrillation. European Heart Journal, 43(47), 4933–4942.

Arnett, D. K., Blumenthal, R. S., Albert, M. A., Buroker, A. B., Goldberger, Z. D., Hahn, E. J., Himmelfarb, C. D., Khera, A., Lloyd-Jones, D., McEvoy, J. W., Michos, E. D., Miedema, M. D., Muñoz, D., Smith, S. C., Virani, S. S., Williams, K. A., Yeboah, J., & Ziaeian, B. (2019). 2019 ACC/AHA guideline on the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease: A report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines. Circulation, 140(11).

Wong, C. X., Sullivan, T., Sun, M. T., Mahajan, R., Pathak, R. K., Middeldorp, M., Twomey, D., Ganesan, A. N., Rangnekar, G., Roberts-Thomson, K. C., Lau, D. H., & Sanders, P. (2015). Obesity and the risk of incident, post-operative, and post-ablation atrial fibrillation. JACC: Clinical Electrophysiology, 1(3), 139–152.

Parajuli, P., Luitel, B. R., Chapagain, S., Pradhan, M. M., Gnyawali, D., Sigdel, P. R., Pandit, D., Guragain, B., Chudal, S., Verma, R., Poudyal, S., Chalise, P. R., & Sharma, U. K. (2020). Segmental renal artery and popliteal artery embolism in an adult patient with rheumatic heart disease and atrial fibrillation: A case report. International Journal of Surgery Case Reports, 77, 602–604.

Ge, T., Zhu, Z., Wang, J., Zhou, W., Song, E. J., & Tang, S. (2022). A rare cause of abdominal pain managed unconventionally: Acute renal infarction caused by atrial fibrillation: A case report. Journal of Medical Case Reports, 16(1).

Scolari, F., & Ravani, P. (2010). Atheroembolic renal disease. The Lancet, 375(9726), 1650–1660.

Watson, T., Shantsila, E., & Lip, G. Y. (2009). Mechanisms of thrombogenesis in atrial fibrillation: Virchow’s Triad revisited. The Lancet, 373(9658), 155–166.

Chatterjee, N. A., & Lubitz, S. A. (2015). Systemic embolic events (see) in atrial fibrillation. Circulation, 132(9), 787–789.

Singh, S., Wang, L., Jyotimallika, J., Singh, S., & Yao, Q. (2014). Spontaneous renal artery thrombosis: An unusual cause of acute abdomen. North American Journal of Medical Sciences, 6(5), 234.

Poggiali E, Ferrari MG, Botti C, Michieletti E, Vercelli A. Renal artery thrombosis. A case of acute flank pain in a patient with a new onset of renal failure and atrial fibrillation. Acta Biomed. 2023 Jun 14;94(3):e2023140. doi: 10.23750/abm.v94i3.14427

Bolderman, R., Oyen, R., Verrijcken, A., Knockaert, D., & Vanderschueren, S. (2006). Idiopathic renal infarction. The American Journal of Medicine, 119(4).

Koivuviita, N., Tertti, R., Heiro, M., Manner, I., & Metsärinne, K. (2014). Thromboembolism as a cause of renal artery occlusion and acute kidney injury: The recovery of kidney function after two weeks. Case Reports in Nephrology and Dialysis, 4(1), 82–87.

Glück, G., Croitoru, M., Deleanu, D., & Platon, P. (2000). Local thrombolytic treatment for renal arterial embolism. European Urology, 38(3), 339–343.

Silverberg, D., Menes, T., Rimon, U., Salomon, O., & Halak, M. (2016). Acute renal artery occlusion: Presentation, treatment, and outcome. Journal of Vascular Surgery, 64(4), 1026–1032.

Arnett, D. K., Blumenthal, R. S., Albert, M. A., Buroker, A. B., Goldberger, Z. D., Hahn, E. J., Himmelfarb, C. D., Khera, A., Lloyd-Jones, D., McEvoy, J. W., Michos, E. D., Miedema, M. D., Muñoz, D., Smith, S. C., Virani, S. S., Williams, K. A., Yeboah, J., & Ziaeian, B. (2019). 2019 ACC/AHA guideline on the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease: A report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines. Circulation, 140(11).

Brambatti, M., Connolly, S. J., Gold, M. R., Morillo, C. A., Capucci, A., Muto, C., Lau, C. P., Van Gelder, I. C., Hohnloser, S. H., Carlson, M., Fain, E., Nakamya, J., Mairesse, G. H., Halytska, M., Deng, W. Q., Israel, C. W., & Healey, J. S. (2014). Temporal relationship between subclinical atrial fibrillation and embolic events. Circulation, 129(21), 2094–2099.

Bolderman, R., Oyen, R., Verrijcken, A., Knockaert, D., & Vanderschueren, S. (2006). Idiopathic renal infarction. The American Journal of Medicine, 119(4).

Chatterjee, N. A., & Lubitz, S. A. (2015). Systemic embolic events (see) in atrial fibrillation. Circulation, 132(9), 787–789.

Emdin, C. A., Wong, C. X., Hsiao, A. J., Altman, D. G., Peters, S. A., Woodward, M., & Odutayo, A. A. (2016). Atrial fibrillation as risk factor for cardiovascular disease and death in women compared with men: Systematic review and meta-analysis of Cohort studies. BMJ.

Ge, T., Zhu, Z., Wang, J., Zhou, W., Song, E. J., & Tang, S. (2022). A rare cause of abdominal pain managed unconventionally: Acute renal infarction caused by atrial fibrillation: A case report. Journal of Medical Case Reports, 16(1).

Glück, G., Croitoru, M., Deleanu, D., & Platon, P. (2000). Local thrombolytic treatment for renal arterial embolism. European Urology, 38(3), 339–343.

Hindricks, G., Potpara, T., Dagres, N., Arbelo, E., Bax, J. J., Blomström-Lundqvist, C., Boriani, G., Castella, M., Dan, G.-A., Dilaveris, P. E., Fauchier, L., Filippatos, G., Kalman, J. M., La Meir, M., Lane, D. A., Lebeau, J.-P., Lettino, M., Lip, G. Y., Pinto, F. J., … Zakirov, N. U. (2020). 2020 ESC guidelines for the diagnosis and management of atrial fibrillation developed in collaboration with the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (eacts). European Heart Journal, 42(5), 373–498.

Joglar, J. A., Chung, M. K., Armbruster, A. L., Benjamin, E. J., Chyou, J. Y., Cronin, E. M., Deswal, A., Eckhardt, L. L., Goldberger, Z. D., Gopinathannair, R., Gorenek, B., Hess, P. L., Hlatky, M., Hogan, G., Ibeh, C., Indik, J. H., Kido, K., Kusumoto, F., Link, M. S., … Van Wagoner, D. R. (2024). 2023 ACC/AHA/ACCP/hrs guideline for the diagnosis and management of Atrial Fibrillation: A report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Joint Committee on Clinical Practice Guidelines. Circulation, 149(1).

Koivuviita, N., Tertti, R., Heiro, M., Manner, I., & Metsärinne, K. (2014). Thromboembolism as a cause of renal artery occlusion and acute kidney injury: The recovery of kidney function after two weeks. Case Reports in Nephrology and Dialysis, 4(1), 82–87.

Lin, A. L., Nah, G., Tang, J. J., Vittinghoff, E., Dewland, T. A., & Marcus, G. M. (2022). Cannabis, cocaine, methamphetamine, and opiates increase the risk of incident atrial fibrillation. European Heart Journal, 43(47), 4933–4942.

Odutayo, A., Wong, C. X., Hsiao, A. J., Hopewell, S., Altman, D. G., & Emdin, C. A. (2016). Atrial fibrillation and risks of cardiovascular disease, renal disease, and Death: Systematic Review and meta-analysis. BMJ, i4482.

Parajuli, P., Luitel, B. R., Chapagain, S., Pradhan, M. M., Gnyawali, D., Sigdel, P. R., Pandit, D., Guragain, B., Chudal, S., Verma, R., Poudyal, S., Chalise, P. R., & Sharma, U. K. (2020). Segmental renal artery and popliteal artery embolism in an adult patient with rheumatic heart disease and atrial fibrillation: A case report. International Journal of Surgery Case Reports, 77, 602–604.

Poggiali E, Ferrari MG, Botti C, Michieletti E, Vercelli A. Renal artery thrombosis. A case of acute flank pain in a patient with a new onset of renal failure and atrial fibrillation. Acta Biomed. 2023 Jun 14;94(3):e2023140. doi: 10.23750/abm.v94i3.14427

Rattanawong, P., Upala, S., Riangwiwat, T., Jaruvongvanich, V., Sanguankeo, A., Vutthikraivit, W., & Chung, E. H. (2018). Atrial fibrillation is associated with Sudden cardiac death: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology, 51(2), 91–104.

Scolari, F., & Ravani, P. (2010). Atheroembolic renal disease. The Lancet, 375(9726), 1650–1660.

Silverberg, D., Menes, T., Rimon, U., Salomon, O., & Halak, M. (2016). Acute renal artery occlusion: Presentation, treatment, and outcome. Journal of Vascular Surgery, 64(4), 1026–1032.

Singh, S., Wang, L., Jyotimallika, J., Singh, S., & Yao, Q. (2014). Spontaneous renal artery thrombosis: An unusual cause of acute abdomen. North American Journal of Medical Sciences, 6(5), 234.

Staerk, L., Wang, B., Preis, S. R., Larson, M. G., Lubitz, S. A., Ellinor, P. T., McManus, D. D., Ko, D., Weng, L.-C., Lunetta, K. L., Frost, L., Benjamin, E. J., & Trinquart, L. (2018). Lifetime risk of atrial fibrillation according to optimal, borderline, or elevated levels of risk factors: Cohort study based on longitudinal data from the Framingham Heart Study. BMJ.

Watson, T., Shantsila, E., & Lip, G. Y. (2009). Mechanisms of thrombogenesis in atrial fibrillation: Virchow’s Triad revisited. The Lancet, 373(9658), 155–166.

Weng, L.-C., Preis, S. R., Hulme, O. L., Larson, M. G., Choi, S. H., Wang, B., Trinquart, L., McManus, D. D., Staerk, L., Lin, H., Lunetta, K. L., Ellinor, P. T., Benjamin, E. J., & Lubitz, S. A. (2018). Genetic predisposition, clinical risk factor burden, and lifetime risk of atrial fibrillation. Circulation, 137(10), 1027–1038.

Wong, C. X., Sullivan, T., Sun, M. T., Mahajan, R., Pathak, R. K., Middeldorp, M., Twomey, D., Ganesan, A. N., Rangnekar, G., Roberts-Thomson, K. C., Lau, D. H., & Sanders, P. (2015). Obesity and the risk of incident, post-operative, and post-ablation atrial fibrillation. JACC: Clinical Electrophysiology, 1(3), 139–152.

Cómo citar
Aguilar Medellín, D. F. (2024). Infarto renal, un sitio atípico de embolismo como debut de fibrilación auricular. Reporte de caso y revisión de la literatura. Ciencia Latina Revista Científica Multidisciplinar, 8(2), 8485-8503.
Ciencias de la Salud