Learning English through a Participatory and Collaborative Environment in Students from Rural Schools
The present work covers the teaching and learning of English through the stimulation of a participatory and collaborative environment. Its main objective is the implementation of a strategy that enhances the learning of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) by creating the environment above mentioned. The paper explores the levels of participation and collaboration in English lessons by means of a diagnostic study that includes students from Eight Year of E.G.B to Third Year of B.G.U. and teachers of English. Effective techniques to develop such type of learning are also discussed. The results derived of the application of the strategy are debated as well.
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Derechos de autor 2024 Luis Alfredo Chavarría Mendoza, Raisa Macias Sera, Ángela María Kaicer Pinargote, Silvia Nancy Bazurto Alcívar, María Cristina Intriago Cobeña
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