Technology-Enhanced Approaches for Teaching English to Law Students: Innovations and Best Practices
This research paper summarizes an investigation into technology-enhanced English language teaching for law students in Medellín, Colombia. It briefly outlines the study's objectives, methodologies, and key findings, focusing on the improved English language proficiency, legal communication skills, and increased student engagement and autonomy due to technology-enhanced learning. Background: The study addresses the importance of English language proficiency for law students in a global legal context and the challenges in teaching English to this group. It reviews relevant literature on technology in language learning, particularly in legal education, establishing the theoretical basis for the research. Materials and Methods: The paper describes a mixed-methods approach involving 40 law students in Medellín. It explains the use of questionnaires for quantitative data and interviews and observations for qualitative data, alongside the methods of data analysis and ethical considerations of the research. Results: Findings from questionnaires indicate positive student perceptions of technology in learning and improvements in language proficiency. Qualitative data from interviews and observations highlight enhanced legal communication skills and increased engagement and autonomy in learning due to technology use. Conclusions: The conclusion synthesizes the study's findings, underscoring the positive impact of technology in legal English education. It discusses the implications for educators and suggests integrating technology into the curriculum. The paper concludes with recommendations for future research, particularly in exploring effective technology-enhanced teaching strategies.
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