Learning Log as a Didactic Tool for Independent Learning

Palabras clave: learning log, engagement, independent learning, feedback


This study examines the influence of implementing learning logs as a tool on students' independent learning, focusing on how reflective practices impact language acquisition, engagement, and self-directed learning in A2 English students at Martha Bucaram college in Sucumbios province. Learning logs, which encourage students to document and reflect on their progress, provide a structured method for building vocabulary, enhancing comprehension, and promoting metacognitive skills. Through regular use, students gain greater insight into their strengths, challenges, and learning strategies, which fosters increased language retention and self-confidence. Moreover, learning logs serve as a bridge between students and teachers, allowing instructors to offer tailored feedback and adjust their teaching strategies based on individual progress. Findings suggest that learning logs not only facilitate language proficiency but also nurture autonomy and a growth mindset, equipping students with valuable skills for lifelong learning. This research highlights the value of integrating learning logs in language curricula to create reflective, engaged, and independent learners.


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Cómo citar
Guaygua Mejía, L. D., Guatatuca Yumbo, Y. N., Toapanta Rodríguez, G. E., & Lescano Toapanta, M. M. (2024). Learning Log as a Didactic Tool for Independent Learning. Ciencia Latina Revista Científica Multidisciplinar, 8(6), 4478-4496. https://doi.org/10.37811/cl_rcm.v8i6.15171
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